Focus Friday - Largest Monoliths in the World

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Friday, Nov 5 2010 by

A monolith is a large stone which has been used to construct a structure or monument, either alone or together with other stones. In this list at least one colossal stone over ten tons has been moved to create the structure or monument.

Quarried monoliths

These are all quarried, but not moved monoliths:

Unnamed Monolith / Second Monolith (Google Maps)
Unnamed Monolith / Second Monolith

Unfinished obelisk (Google Maps)
Unfinished obelisk
Stone of the Pregnant Woman / Stone of the South (Google Maps)
Stone of the Pregnant Woman / Stone of the South

Mons Claudianus (Google Maps)
Mons Claudianus

Moved monoliths

These are all quarried and moved monoliths:

Peter the Great Statue (Google Maps)
Peter the Great Statue

Ramesseum - Memorial Temple of Rameses II (Google Maps)
Ramesseum - Memorial Temple of Rameses II
Baalbek (Google Maps)

Colossi of Memnon (Google Maps)
Colossi of Memnon

Erected in upright position

Monoliths known or assumed to have been lifted by cranes into an upright position:

Vaticano obelisk (StreetView)
Vaticano obelisk
