Abraham Lincoln by Vinnie Ream

Abraham Lincoln by Vinnie Ream

Washington, Washington, DC (DC), US
Vinnie Ream was the first and youngest woman (18) to receive a commission as an artist from the US government for a statue when Congress voted on July 28, 1866 its approval. Ream worked in a studio in Room A of the basement of the Capitol. The statue was completed and unveiled in the United States Capitol rotunda on January 25, 1871. Ream was 23 years old.
Vinnie Ream was the first and youngest woman (18) to receive a commission as an artist from the US government for a statue when Congress voted on July 28, 1866 its approval. Ream worked in a studio in Room A of the basement of the Capitol. The statue was completed and unveiled in the United States Capitol rotunda on January 25, 1871. Ream was 23 years old.
View in Google Earth Art - Sculpture, Buildings - Indoor
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: tallturtle82



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