Anne Hathaway’s Brooklyn apartment

Anne Hathaway’s Brooklyn apartment

New York, New York (NY), US
Anne Hathaway owned two apartments in this building until September of 2013, now she only owns one. Hathaway owned an apartment on the 9th floor, and still owns one on the 6th floor. She primarily lived in the 6th floor apartment, and used the 9th floor one as a closet for clothes and other stuff. She sold the 9th floor apartment in September of 2013. She had bought it the previous year for $4.1M.
Anne Hathaway owned two apartments in this building until September of 2013, now she only owns one. Hathaway owned an apartment on the 9th floor, and still owns one on the 6th floor. She primarily lived in the 6th floor apartment, and used the 9th floor one as a closet for clothes and other stuff. She sold the 9th floor apartment in September of 2013. She had bought it the previous year for $4.1M.
View in Google Earth Buildings - Misc, Homes - Celebrity - Entertainment - Actors
By: Fab



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