Belle Isle: Pics and Stories

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Belle Isle has been known by many names over the past three hundred years. To the Indians it was called Wah-nah-be-zee (White Swan) and to the French it was Isle St. Claire although there were those who referred to it as Ile de Cochons (Island of the Hogs) because early settlers brought wild pigs to the island.

The ownerhip of the island exchanged hands several times before it was sold to to the City of Detroit in 1879. In 1889 a bridge was built that connected Belle Isle to the mainland. This bridge was destroyed by fire in 1915 and was replace with a temporary bridge until when the present 2,193 foot bridge was completed.

Belle Isle was officially named by the Detroit Common Council in 1883, and landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted was hired to plan the island's development.

In 1973 the nonprofit group "Friends of Belle Isle " was formed and to this day promotes the preservation of both the natural and historic features of the park.