James Bond Stage @ Pinewood Studios

James Bond Stage @ Pinewood Studios

Iver Heath, United Kingdom (GB)
Pinewood Studios is a major British film studio situated in Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, approximately 20 miles (32 km) west of central London.

The studios have played host to many productions over the years from huge blockbuster films to television shows, commercials and pop promos and is well known as the home of the Carry On..., Superman and James Bond film franchises.
Pinewood Studios is a major British film studio situated in Iver Heath, Buckinghamshire, approximately 20 miles (32 km) west of central London.

The studios have played host to many productions over the years from huge blockbuster films to television shows, commercials and pop promos and is well known as the home of the Carry On..., Superman and James Bond film franchises.
View in Google Earth Studios, Buildings - Misc
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: neotrix



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