Ron Azarkman's House

Ron Azarkman's House

Los Angeles, California (CA), US
Ron Azarkman and his brother Jerry are the co-founders of La Curacao, a retail chain that serves the Hispanic market in the Southwestern United States. The chain has over 2,000 employees and annual revenue is in the hundreds of millions.

Azarkman owns this 26,500 sq. foot home. The property boasts its own gatehouse and also appears to possess a small man-made lake and boathouse.
Ron Azarkman and his brother Jerry are the co-founders of La Curacao, a retail chain that serves the Hispanic market in the Southwestern United States. The chain has over 2,000 employees and annual revenue is in the hundreds of millions.

Azarkman owns this 26,500 sq. foot home. The property boasts its own gatehouse and also appears to possess a small man-made lake and boathouse.
View in Google Earth Homes - Celebrity - Business
By: gordonhigh



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gordonhigh picture
@ 2012-07-12 00:18:58
Apparently, this property was formerly owned by John Wayne in the 1950s.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-12-07 12:30:33
Ron Azarkman owns Curacao, where he underreported sales taxes to the state of California.
Anonymous picture
@ 2020-12-12 00:56:37
Ron cheats the Latino community into paying for bunk services and worthless warranties. He charges them high interest and makes it impossible to pay off. He fraudulently refinances the bad accounts so that the banks that provide loans to the company are falsely satisfied.
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-03-17 20:09:29
His brother Jerry is a good man
Anonymous picture
@ 2021-07-16 00:39:33
Property recently built its own hiking trail and dirt road that shoots off of the drive way into the hill. All the bush and trees was cleared and they sculpted the hill to be easily climbed or driven up by golf cart. It's pretty neat!
Anonymous picture
@ 2023-03-02 14:10:43
This is the John Wayne estate and still has his screening room attached.
