Former St Fillans Railway Station: Pics and Stories

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Some of my personal pictures I have taken of the old St. Fillans railway station in Scotland.

Looking along the old trackbed between the two platforms.
Standing on the old trackbed between the two platforms.
Standing on the old trackbed between the two platforms looking towards the infilled section of the trackbed.
Standing on the old trackbed with the orignial station building on the left.
The orignial station building.
The old platform. The passenger trains were on the right hand side and the cargo tracks were on the left.
The old railway bridge, which brought the trains over the road and into the staion area.
The old railway bridge, which brought the trains over the road and into the staion area.
A flower pot next to the infilled platform (the stone slaps on the right).
More of the stone slaps with the infilled trackbed where the grass is on the right.