Susan Lynch's house

Susan Lynch's house

Jupiter Island, Florida (FL), US
Susan E. Lynch is the widow or Ronald P. Lynch, a resident of Greenwich who spent most of his career at Lord, Abbett, an old-line New York money management firm where he was General Patner. He gained public stature afterward, as Chairman of the Investment Company Institute, the trade association for the mutual fund industry. He led a successful industry campaign to curb improper trading practices. Mr. Lynch passed away in 1996.
Susan E. Lynch is the widow or Ronald P. Lynch, a resident of Greenwich who spent most of his career at Lord, Abbett, an old-line New York money management firm where he was General Patner. He gained public stature afterward, as Chairman of the Investment Company Institute, the trade association for the mutual fund industry. He led a successful industry campaign to curb improper trading practices. Mr. Lynch passed away in 1996.
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