Whistler’s Mother

Whistler’s Mother

Ashland, Pennsylvania (PA), US
Swing through Ashland, PA, and you’ll come across an odd structure overlooking the quaint valley town: an eight-foot monument featuring an oversized Whistler’s Mother.

How did this come to be? In 1937, the town decided to build a monument honoring local mothers. The WPA stepped in, and this large bronze scuplture was the result. Not exactly the warmest mother you could depict for such a purpose, but she’s been keeping a glaring eye over the town ever since.
Swing through Ashland, PA, and you’ll come across an odd structure overlooking the quaint valley town: an eight-foot monument featuring an oversized Whistler’s Mother.

How did this come to be? In 1937, the town decided to build a monument honoring local mothers. The WPA stepped in, and this large bronze scuplture was the result. Not exactly the warmest mother you could depict for such a purpose, but she’s been keeping a glaring eye over the town ever since.
View in Google Earth Artwork - Sculpture
Links: www.scoutingny.com
By: jbottero



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