KimTisha: Comments

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KimTisha @ 2011-04-27 06:50:18
KimTisha pictureWorlds Largest Twine Ball
p.s. "For reasons that are lost to time, he began rolling a ball of twine in his basement in 1950. Francis rolled twine four hours a day, every day. He eventually moved the ball onto his front lawn and used railroad jacks to ensure proper wrapping; Johnson cared as much about his ball's roundness as its diameter."

I'm pretty sure the "reasons" have something to do with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, no?
KimTisha @ 2011-04-27 06:47:24
KimTisha pictureWorlds Largest Twine Ball
Hahaha - my parents and I were just talking about this the other day. I have always heard about this, and always said I wanted to see it, but was never sure if it really existed or was the stuff of legends. Don't know when I'll get to Darwin, Minnesota but I'll see this some day - and get my picture taken in front of it.