Focus Friday - Film and Photo Shoots in Progress

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Friday, Jul 30 2010 by

ElectricDolls shooting the video for their song 'Baps R Bakin' (StreetView)
ElectricDolls shooting the video for their song 'Baps R Bakin'

Movie crew unloading equipment (StreetView)
Movie crew unloading equipment
"The sluice box" (Filming) (StreetView)
"The sluice box" (Filming)

Film or Photo shoot (StreetView)
Film or Photo shoot

Film crew in a back alley (StreetView)
Film crew in a back alley

Photo shoot with a small dog (StreetView)
Photo shoot with a small dog
Event filming (StreetView)
Event filming

Filming in Marseille (StreetView)
Filming in Marseille
Video shoot (StreetView)
Video shoot

Film shoot in progress (Birds Eye)
Film shoot in progress
Film crew (StreetView)
Film crew

Film crew (StreetView)
Film crew
Film crew (StreetView)
Film crew

Film crew outside Mozart's house (StreetView)
Film crew outside Mozart's house
Film team (StreetView)
Film team

Taking a movie of Google Car (StreetView)
Taking a movie of Google Car
