"Van on pier with ocean backdrop" Movie Shoot

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"Van on pier with ocean backdrop" Movie Shoot (Birds Eye)
The parking lot has been emptied and painted blue, and a van sits on an elevated faux pier with a huge cloud-covered backdrop to give the cameras below the illusion it is overlooking the ocean, instead of the Paramount Picture Studios.
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romulusnr picture
@ 2006-07-21 15:12:23
If you navigate around and back enough, you'll manage to find a completely different pic of the same spot, with a lot more cars in the blue area.


It's extremely weird.
Pdunn picture
@ 2006-07-21 15:47:24
That is one of the amazing things about Live Locaal, go around the points of the compass and you can find an entirely different scene. I was scanning a running track down the road from this movie studio, and what was an empty venue on three of the compass points had a full blown track meet on the last.

After checking the other angles, I've changed by mind on what it is we are seeing here. I think rather than a van on a pier, it is actually a boat, and the pier is a wave-motion machine. Evidently the shot was creating a rocking boat at sea. The map romulusnr bookmarked is of the scene turned back into a parking lot after the shooting.
kjfitz picture
@ 2006-07-21 17:18:00
I'm betting the blue parking lot is the equivalent of a 'blue screen' and ocean is added in post processing as a special effect.
romulusnr picture
@ 2006-07-24 15:47:02
It's true about LL and directions, but I've not seen this before *without* changing the view direction. Is this some sort of "flyover" simulation where you get different imagery depending on which direction you *navigated* from? Because while the direction of the shots are the same, (north), the view angle is clearly off.
Pdunn picture
@ 2006-07-24 17:20:56
I think I see what you mean. If you come towards this "North" frame from the left of the grid and select "East," you get the same perspective as the "North" view, but with a parking lot full of cars.

The reason for it, I have no idea. Other than they strung these together over subsequent days. Still, that doesn't explain the same perspective for East and North, but different views.

Now that everyone is thoroughly confused, maybe someone else can explain it.
Pdunn picture
@ 2006-07-24 17:24:57
Oops, I meant if you approach this frame from the RIGHT-CENTER of the grid, you get a totally new set up.