BTK Serial Killer Dennis Rader's Former home (Site only)

BTK Serial Killer Dennis Rader's Former home (Site only)

Park City, Kansas (KS), US
On this now empty lot stood the former home of the BTK serial killer Dennis Rader. On March 07,2007 Without much notice, the former home of Paula and Dennis Rader was leveled. The American serial killer is responsible for the deaths of 10 people from January 15, 1974 to February 1, 1991 and terrorized an entire community until his capture on On February 25, 2005. Rader pled guilty to the murders on June 27, 2005, giving a graphic account of his crimes in court. On August 18, 2005, he was sentenced to serve 10 consecutive life sentences, one life sentence per murder victim. In total, Rader would be eligible for parole after 175 years of imprisonment, in 2180. Following his arrest his wife, Paula was granted an immediate divorce after 34-years of marriage citing that her mental and physical condition has been adversely affected by her husband's secret double life.
On this now empty lot stood the former home of the BTK serial killer Dennis Rader. On March 07,2007 Without much notice, the former home of Paula and Dennis Rader was leveled. The American serial killer is responsible for the deaths of 10 people from January 15, 1974 to February 1, 1991 and terrorized an entire community until his capture on On February 25, 2005. Rader pled guilty to the murders on June 27, 2005, giving a graphic account of his crimes in court. On August 18, 2005, he was sentenced to serve 10 consecutive life sentences, one life sentence per murder victim. In total, Rader would be eligible for parole after 175 years of imprisonment, in 2180. Following his arrest his wife, Paula was granted an immediate divorce after 34-years of marriage citing that her mental and physical condition has been adversely affected by her husband's secret double life.
View in Google Earth Murder Sites, Buildings - Novelty / Interesting
By: qstone



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