Corvallis - Benton County Library

Corvallis - Benton County Library

Corvallis, Oregon (OR), US
The Corvallis-Benton County Public Library is a public library located in Corvallis, Oregon. The library's motto is "Enrich, excite, explore!" The library has several locations throughout Benton County. The first library was a privately-owned circulating library operated in Corvallis during the 1860s by J.W. Souther, who advertised in the local newspaper the opportunity for subscribers to take advantage of his 730 volumes of "choice reading" for a fee of $5 per year. The present library building was designed by architect Pietro Belluschi in 1932. A modest expansion followed in 1965 and a major expansion in 1992.
The Corvallis-Benton County Public Library is a public library located in Corvallis, Oregon. The library's motto is "Enrich, excite, explore!" The library has several locations throughout Benton County. The first library was a privately-owned circulating library operated in Corvallis during the 1860s by J.W. Souther, who advertised in the local newspaper the opportunity for subscribers to take advantage of his 730 volumes of "choice reading" for a fee of $5 per year. The present library building was designed by architect Pietro Belluschi in 1932. A modest expansion followed in 1965 and a major expansion in 1992.
View in Google Earth Libraries, Buildings - Misc
By: jbottero



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