Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857)

Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857)

Diest, Belgium (BE)
On Monday 1st April 2024 at 06:50 UTC, Francois ON4AUB, a radio amateur from Belgium, made contact with Toon ON/PD0RWL/P, a radio amateur from the Netherlands, who was operating from Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857), on the 40m amateur radio band. Toon made a total of 77 contacts while at the reserve.

Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857), is an IUCN Management Category VI protected area, located north of Diest, in Flemish Brabant in Belgium, which is part Public Forest.


An IUCN Management Category VI area, is an area to conserve ecosystems and habitats, alongside their associated cultural values and established natural resource management systems. These areas permit low-level non-industrial use of their natural resources, as long as it is compatible with nature conservation.
On Monday 1st April 2024 at 06:50 UTC, Francois ON4AUB, a radio amateur from Belgium, made contact with Toon ON/PD0RWL/P, a radio amateur from the Netherlands, who was operating from Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857), on the 40m amateur radio band. Toon made a total of 77 contacts while at the reserve.

Domein Schaffen (ONFF-0857), is an IUCN Management Category VI protected area, located north of Diest, in Flemish Brabant in Belgium, which is part Public Forest.

An IUCN Management Category VI area, is an area to conserve ecosystems and habitats, alongside their associated cultural values and established natural resource management systems. These areas permit low-level non-industrial use of their natural resources, as long as it is compatible with nature conservation.
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By: Mike_bjm


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