This is the Livingston, NJ estate of Dr. Gautam Sehgal, MD, and Dr. Saroj P. Sehgal, MD. Dr. Gautam Sehgal specializes in neurology in South Orange, New Jersey. Dr. Sehgal attended medical school at Delhi University Maulana Azad Medical College and graduated in 1974. His wife, Dr. Saroj P. Sehgal practices internal medicine and pulmonary medicine.
Thier home sits on 5.14 acres of land and is currently appraised at $8,924,000, according to public property records. The property was purchased on June 11, 1997 for $1,700,000. The home has property taxes of $143,543 per year.
Dr. Gautam Sehgal
Dr. Gautam Sehgal's House
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By Turneasterne @ 2012-01-25 19:17:28