Kenneth Copeland is the founder of the Christian organization Kenneth Copeland Ministries. It promotes the idea that God wants people to be financially successful. He said that when people drive by his house, "they will know there is a God." In the 1960s, he was a pilot and chauffeur for Oral Roberts. Copeland later attended his University. In 2007, the organization was under a Senate investigation for improprieties involving finances.
The Kenneth Copeland Airport, a private airport established by the ministries, is visible to the north east of the home. The organization keeps its $20 million Citation X jet, and another small one there. In 2007, Copeland was accused of using the jet for personal vacations and friends.
Kenneth Copeland's house
By Champion3 @ 2010-07-24 01:15:57
(updated 2019-07-07)
@ 2021-08-03 21:25:36
The fake prosperity "gospel" only makes its preachers prosperous while others get fleeced.
@ 2021-12-12 12:29:14
Maybe that's how MOST Prosperity Gospelers are, but Kenneth Copeland is living off a mere 30% of the money that people donate. The rest of it goes DIRECTLY into ministry-expenses & other churches & charities.
@ 2022-09-18 11:46:41
Copeland, you and that other thief Benny Hinn, better hope there isn't any hell. I know in my heart there is a special place in hell for you, ol' Benny, and those other liars that pretend to be evangelists for personal financial gain. know this, if I ever see you in person it will be my pleasure to backhand you clear into next week.
@ 2022-09-18 11:53:56
I just read where poor, poor kenneth Copeland has to make due with only 30% of whats donated....people,people, people...wake up. If that's true, that poor guy has to make due with 30% of $750 million....every year...awwwwww!
@ 2023-03-24 18:18:10
This comment section is very green with envy. maybe if you weren't so envious God would bless you too.
@ 2023-10-24 13:50:45
I don't think it's envy people have. It's common sense. If these preachers are doing God's work then why are they living in mansions with private jets an millions in the bank when their followers and donors are barely scraping by. Why do they need mansions. This was not the example that Jesus taught. He lived humbly and blessed the ones who believed in him and the father. With healing and comfort. He did not take their money to furnish his lavish lifestyle. There is a special place in hell for greedy people. As preachers they should know this.. shame on them.