

Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands (MH)
Majuro is a large coral atoll of 64 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and forms a legislative district of the Ratak Chain of the Marshall Islands. The atoll itself has a land area of only 9.7 square kilometres (3.7 sq mi) but encloses a lagoon of 295 square kilometres (114 sq mi). As with other atolls in the Marshall Islands, Majuro consists of extremely narrow land masses which allow a person to walk from the lagoon side to the ocean side within minutes. At some points, the island is narrow enough to throw a rock from one side to the other.
Majuro is a large coral atoll of 64 islands in the Pacific Ocean, and forms a legislative district of the Ratak Chain of the Marshall Islands. The atoll itself has a land area of only 9.7 square kilometres (3.7 sq mi) but encloses a lagoon of 295 square kilometres (114 sq mi). As with other atolls in the Marshall Islands, Majuro consists of extremely narrow land masses which allow a person to walk from the lagoon side to the ocean side within minutes. At some points, the island is narrow enough to throw a rock from one side to the other.
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By: kjfitz



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