Michael H. Scott's House

Michael H. Scott's House

Beverly Hills, California (CA), US
This Beverly Park residence is owned by mobile home tycoon Michael H. Scott, managing partner of Kort & Scott Financial Group. He purchased this home for $10.1M in 2002. His business partner Lee Kort was formerly also a resident of Beverly Park.
This Beverly Park residence is owned by mobile home tycoon Michael H. Scott, managing partner of Kort & Scott Financial Group. He purchased this home for $10.1M in 2002. His business partner Lee Kort was formerly also a resident of Beverly Park.
View in Google Earth Residential
Links: www.kortandscott.com
By: gordonhigh



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@ 2023-09-14 01:36:58
Scott and Kort have systematically sucked the life and money out of unsuspecting mobile home owners. After Kort and Scott purchase their Mobile home parks they raise the rent OVER 10% on veterans and seniors citizens that are on fixed incomes and when they can’t afford the outrageous rent increase they are evicted and Kort and Scott keep these poor people’s homes for pure profit.
So now everyone knows how these two conduct their business to fill their pockets for their lavish lifestyles. Way to go you two making our veterans and seniors homeless so you can build an unnecessary business complex on
10101 Angelo View Drive.., Now everyone knows YOU are predators of the disabled and elderly.
