"Pineapple Express" Filming Location "Red's house"

"Pineapple Express" Filming Location "Red's house"

Los Angeles, California (CA), US
Filming location used in the 2008 comedy "Pineapple Express." The film starred, Seth Rogen, James Franco and Danny McBride.

In the film, Red played by (Danny McBride) is the dealer who sold the "Pineapple Express" weed to Saul.


Dale (Rogen,) and Saul (Franco,) visit Red to find out if Ted Jones (Gary Cole) has been asking about them and if so, to warn Red not to tell Jones anything.

Please keep in mind that this is a private residence. Please do not trespass on the property, knock on the door or do anything to disturb the residents.
Filming location used in the 2008 comedy "Pineapple Express." The film starred, Seth Rogen, James Franco and Danny McBride.

In the film, Red played by (Danny McBride) is the dealer who sold the "Pineapple Express" weed to Saul.

Dale (Rogen,) and Saul (Franco,) visit Red to find out if Ted Jones (Gary Cole) has been asking about them and if so, to warn Red not to tell Jones anything.

Please keep in mind that this is a private residence. Please do not trespass on the property, knock on the door or do anything to disturb the residents.
View in Google Earth Movie Locations, Buildings - Novelty / Interesting
Links: www.imdb.com, www.youtube.com
By: qstone


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