Rome Refinery (Censored in Local.Live)

Rome Refinery (Censored in Local.Live) (Google Maps)
Rome Refinery (Censored in Local.Live) (Bing Maps)
The Rome Refinery is 71.9% owned by Total, 28.1% by ERG Petroli. It has a processing capacity of 4.3 Mton/a, is equipped with a visbreaking plant of around 1.7 Mton/a and a plant for the production of bitumen.

In Local.Live they retouched the refinery away.

Instead of distillation units and storage tanks there are trees!
This effect you can see at almost every Italian refinery site in LL! (two sites are OK)
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bubaonline picture
@ 2007-01-29 07:41:38
In the BEV they 'forgot to plant the trees at the refinery site' ;-)
(Also at Mantova Refinery site and Taranto Refinery site)
bubaonline picture
@ 2008-10-04 11:48:47
Not longer Censored in Live Maps