Rush Limbaugh’s house in Palm Beach, FL is where the conservative radio talk show host broadcasts his show, heard by more than 14 million listeners weekly. The $26-million home features an elevator, 12 bathrooms, and seven bedrooms.
“The Rush Limbaugh Show” is the highest rated radio program in the United States. Rush Limbaugh’s net worth is $400 million, with an estimated annual salary of $70 million. He has been in the radio business since he was 16 and went national with his programing in 1988.
He describes himself as “conservative” and has been known for his critique of liberal policies and politicians. He is one of the highest paid personalities in the U.S. media, with his 8-year, 2008 contract with Clear Channel Radio totaling $400 million.
He has authored several books including “The Way Things Ought to Be” and “See, I Told You So.” Both books were number one on the New York Times Best Seller’s List. He also wrote two children’s books – “Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims” and “Rush Revere and the First Patriots.” He won Author of the Year at the Children’s Choice Books Awards in 2014.
Rush Limbaugh had a television show taped in front of an audience from 1992 to 1996. The TV focused on many of the same issues as his radio show.
He is known for making controversial statements on a number of subjects, including African Americans, feminism, capital punishment, environmental issues, Iraq prisoner abuse, and the policies of President Barack Obama.
Rush Limbaugh has been married four times, now married to Florida Party Planner Kathryn Rogers, and has no children. He is an avid golfer and cigar aficionado.
He has an annual telethon for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society – the EIB Cure-a-Thon, which has raised $15 million since its inception. He also has an annual drive to collect contributions for the Marine Corp-Law Enforcement Foundation.
Homes - Celebrity - Entertainment - Misc
By: tlp333
Thanks for your important thoughts and consierations you have shared.You have made a difference for many!!
To those that say bad things about Rush. Ditto to all the swamp creatures in this country and aboard that helped sleep hollow Joe and crooked Karma get elected. Enjoy you $5.00 to $10.00 a gallon gas. Enjoy, your solar panels and wind mills when your freezing. The people you voted for will be warm with their gas fire places and furnaces or they will just go where it's warm for a vacation, while you enjoy Global warming and your New Green Deal. Maybe all your illegals will keep you warm when they invade your home, more bodies more heat. Hope you enjoy higher taxes to pay for insurance for illegals and social security for them. They will thank you for all you give. Maybe you can deduct that on your income tax. Enjoy China when they come for you, your leaders are.
For those that bash Rush. Look in the mirror before speaking. You will see lost souls in those mirrors. These are people that know not where they are going or where they have been. It's like the walking dead. The Gators you cheated and lied for that are in power now will eat your lunch and you will pay in the end when it's too late. His 1st 100 days will destroy your lives. Your handouts won't be free. Nothing g is free in life which you are going to see. It will be too late, you have made your bed now sleep in it. The folks you helped elect in 2020 are going to enjoy everything you have ever worked for. The liberal politicians and a few of the Republicans are sleeping with the enemy, now you will have no freedoms and you have sold off your children to a terrible way of life. There are cities and countries that are called sad city and countries where no one smiles. Now America will join in on becoming a sad country, like many other communist countries. I hope you enjoy what you have created a swamp monster. Good Luck and God Bless to all that believe and we shall pray for the rest.
Silent tribute
U got yr medal of freedom
From pain