Stenstrup Megalitgrav (Dolmen)

Stenstrup Megalitgrav (Dolmen)

Næstved, Denmark (DK)
Located in the southern suburbs of Næstved on the Danish island of Zealand stands a Neolithic dolmen. The dolmen sits beside some trees between a road and an open land of grass. The dolmen is clearly visible from the nearby road and is in good condition. The site is a registered historical monument and protected.

The grave is thought to have been constructed between 3950 BC - 2801 BC.
Located in the southern suburbs of Næstved on the Danish island of Zealand stands a Neolithic dolmen. The dolmen sits beside some trees between a road and an open land of grass. The dolmen is clearly visible from the nearby road and is in good condition. The site is a registered historical monument and protected.

The grave is thought to have been constructed between 3950 BC - 2801 BC.
View in Google Earth Historical, Ancient
By: Drudii



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