Tooth Fairy car crash ("Dexter")

Tooth Fairy car crash ("Dexter")

Long Beach, California (CA), US
Dex is in for a surprise. Walter Kenny may be old, but he's not stupid, and he's figured out that Dexter is on to him. He pulls a gun on Dexter, and orders him to drive to a parking lot, making it clear that he plans to kill him, and perhaps pull out all of his teeth first. Dexter surprises him by pushing the car's gas pedal to the floor, and slams the car into a chain link fence.
Dex is in for a surprise. Walter Kenny may be old, but he's not stupid, and he's figured out that Dexter is on to him. He pulls a gun on Dexter, and orders him to drive to a parking lot, making it clear that he plans to kill him, and perhaps pull out all of his teeth first. Dexter surprises him by pushing the car's gas pedal to the floor, and slams the car into a chain link fence.
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By: kkeps



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