'Turning The Place Over' by Richard Wilson

'Turning The Place Over' by Richard Wilson

Liverpool, United Kingdom (GB)
Turning the Place Over consists of an 8 metres diameter ovoid cut from the facade of a building in Liverpool city centre and made to oscillate in three dimensions. The revolving façade rests on a specially designed giant rotator, usually used in the shipping and nuclear industries, and acts as a huge opening and closing ‘window’, offering recurrent glimpses of the interior during its constant cycle during daylight hours.

Direct link to historic imagery below (goo.gl)
Turning the Place Over consists of an 8 metres diameter ovoid cut from the facade of a building in Liverpool city centre and made to oscillate in three dimensions. The revolving façade rests on a specially designed giant rotator, usually used in the shipping and nuclear industries, and acts as a huge opening and closing ‘window’, offering recurrent glimpses of the interior during its constant cycle during daylight hours.

Direct link to historic imagery below (goo.gl)
View in Google Earth Art - Sculpture, Buildings - Novelty / Interesting
Links: en.wikipedia.org, www.youtube.com, www.google.com
By: mlc1us



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