Today Wendy is best known for hosting the syndicated television show, "The Wendy Williams Show". "The Wendy Williams Show" debuted in July 2008 and has aired more than 1,500 episodes through 10 seasons, making it widely popular, influential, and successful. Wendy has authored books: Wendy's Got the Heat, The Wendy Williams Experience, Ask Wendy: Straight-Up Advice for All the Drama in Your Life, Drama Is Her Middle Name, Is the Bitch Dead, Or What?, Ritz Harper Goes to Hollywood, and Hold Me in Contempt: A Romance. In 2009 she was named to the National Radio Hall of Fame. Williams was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award in 2015 and 2016 for Outstanding Entertainment Talk Show Host. Williams also has a fashion line, jewelry line, and a wig line.
Williams filed for divorce in April after 22 years of marriage. Williams and Hunter have a son, 18-year-old Kevin Jr. who will be living with Wendy.
Wendy's salary for The Wendy Williams Show is $10 million per year. In a few years she films 180 episodes. That breaks down to a salary per episode of $55,000. Wendy Williams has earned a net worth of $40 Million.