The Zubalovo Residence is a very historic home located in the Infamous western suburbs of Moscow Known as "Rublevka". This Area, which is not really one town but many towns and villages along a very old highway called Rublevo-Uspenskoye-Shosse, has been home to the Elite of Russia for hundreds of years.
In 1919 Vladimir Lenin Urged his Comrades-in-arms to find summer Dachas for themselves. Stalin's choice fell on an estate that before the revolution belonged to the richest Moscow oil Industrialist and Philanthropist, Lev Zubalov. Lev was of Georgian background. Lev was afraid of attempts on his life and built fences around the property (atypical of Russian nobility) these would come in handy for the future leader of the nation (who also feared for his life). The walls have survived around the Rublevka property to this day and now the Head of the Russian Guard, Viktor Zolotov lives behind them.
with the strong brick wall and steel gates, The Zubalovo Residence became a model for some of the future residences of the party elite. As Stalin's might grew, so did Rublevka.
Stalin often used this Dacha for working meetings.
Homes - Historic
By: SammyMaps