
Jean Dubuffet

Jean Philippe Arthur Dubuffet (31 July 1901 – 12 May 1985) was a French painter and sculptor. His idealistic approach to aesthetics embraced so called “low art” and eschewed traditional standards of beauty in favor of what he believed to be a more authentic and humanistic approach to image-making.

"Two People on a Black Background" by Jean Dubuffet

"L’Amour (Love)" by Jean Dubuffet
'Milord la Chamarre' by Jean Dubuffet
'Welcome Parade' by Jean Dubuffet

"Statue of a Shadow" by Jean Dubuffet

"La tour aux figures" by Jean Dubuffet
Closerie Falbala - Jean Dubuffet

'Monument with Standing Beast' by Jean Dubuffet
La tour aux figures
'La Chifonniere' by Jean Dubuffet