
Military Wednesday – Target Ranges and Targets

The military employs various types of targets for different missions. Here is a collection of various types of targets used today and through history.

Aerial Bombing Targets and Craters

Bomb craters on a target

Bomb Craters on the Tonopah Range
Bombing Target in Nevada
Target and craters in a bombing range

Simulated Anti Airctaft Missile Sites

Mobile missile launcher (target)

Fake air base and surface-to-air battery targets
Mock SAM site
Simulates SAM site on China Lake Naval Weapons Station

Simulated Aircraft on the Ground

WWI Bombing Target
Mock Aircraft on Mock Airstrip on the Tonopah Range

Simulated Towns and Military Facilities

Yodaville Urban Target Complex

Aerial targets assembled from shipping containers
Target village made from shipping containers
Simulated runways at China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station

Chemical and Biological Weapons

CFB Sheffield - chemical weapons test range
Utah Test and Training Range for Chemical & Biological agents