
News roundup from Where 2.0

Big happenings at Where 2.0
The third annual O’Reilly Where 2.0 conference – “Location Is Going Everywhere” – is underway in San Jose, CA. We’ll probably see a lot of product releases and other goodies announced this week.

Frank Taylor of the Google Earth Blog is reporting live from the conference. The conference started out with Launchpad of 5 minute mini-presentations — Frank has a good summary of some of these.

I’ll try to keep on top of the news, but feel free to let us know of new stuff!

Google launches Streetside View

O’Reilly Radar reports that Google just released a street side view for Google Maps. This stuff is awesome! Check out Las Vegas. There’s an icon of a man that you can move around the map, to pick out where you want to view from.

Amazon’s A9 had a similar street-side view a while back, but they were static images. Google’s implementation allows you to look in a 360* view. Sweet!

Virtual Earth update, 3D buildings in NYC

The Virtual Earth / Live Spaces blog notes that New York, New York now has 3D buildings available. Sounds like there’s a big imagery and BEV update today too (we’ll update once that’s posted).

Update 12:42pm PST: The Virtual Earth / Live Spaces blog just posted the complete list of updated satellite and BEV imagery. Their largest update, over 11.5 terabytes of data!

VirtualGlobetrotting Scavenger Hunt
The Big Kahuna scavenger hunt is still underway, going until June 9th. mlc1us has 97 points, only missing a burning house from a perfect hunt. milwhcky, berli110 and mikeb9991 are close on his trail with several others over 50 points.

Good luck contestants!