
Photo Safari #73 – Fish

Something’s fishy this week. Your mission? Go fishing. Find picture, sculptures, signs, ads, and real fish (dead or alive.) Aquariums, markets, and seafood restaurants, are all good places to start. Kudos for creativity and really odd or special fish.

Everyone gets to post one Google Underwater fish and then you’ll need to do the rest elsewhere. Sorry, but there are so many fish in the underwater imagery it wouldn’t be fun. If you post a fish in one location (aquarium, store, shop, sculpture, etc.) you can’t post any more from that site, so different fish all in the same market all counts as one submission.

Post your finds to Street View – Safari Submission and another appropriate category. The safari ends at 0700 UTC on October 10.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Here are a few examples:

"Fish on a blue and white plate" by William Buelow Gould

Fish graffiti
Fish for sale
The Great Fish

Fish Market mural

Children and fish fountain
Fish mural

Punky fish
Giant fish
Big Fish