1st ever Kentucky Fried Chicken

1st ever Kentucky Fried Chicken

South Salt Lake, Utah (UT), US
Back in North Corbin, Kentucky, Colonel Sanders first started selling his famous chicken but not yet under the name Kentucky Fried Chicken. Eventually he left Corbin behind, hit the road, and met up with Pete Harman in Utah. They opened Harman Cafe selling Kentucky Fried Chicken at this location in 1952. The original building this is not but this is considered to be the spot of the first KFC franchise.
Back in North Corbin, Kentucky, Colonel Sanders first started selling his famous chicken but not yet under the name Kentucky Fried Chicken. Eventually he left Corbin behind, hit the road, and met up with Pete Harman in Utah. They opened Harman Cafe selling Kentucky Fried Chicken at this location in 1952. The original building this is not but this is considered to be the spot of the first KFC franchise.
View in Google Earth Art - Advertising, Signs, Billboards and Writing, Buildings - Retail and Dining
Links: en.wikipedia.org, virtualglobetrotting.com
By: AKpilotEMT



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