“The Superstars Cul De Sac”

“The Superstars Cul De Sac”

Estepona, Spain (ES)
The New Heights is a section of La Resina Golf Course, located in Spain's Costa del Sol. It has been nicknamed "The Superstar Cul De Sac" due to the number of superstar athletes who have already purchased homes to be built here, including footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, MMA fighter Conor McGregor, Denmark’s famous goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen, and ex-Irish football star Steven Carr.
The New Heights is a section of La Resina Golf Course, located in Spain's Costa del Sol. It has been nicknamed "The Superstar Cul De Sac" due to the number of superstar athletes who have already purchased homes to be built here, including footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, MMA fighter Conor McGregor, Denmark’s famous goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen, and ex-Irish football star Steven Carr.
View in Google Earth Homes - Celebrity - Sports - Soccer, Homes - Celebrity - Sports - Misc
Links: www.thesun.co.uk
By: jdubble07



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