Robert Downey Jr has many children by the same woman it's not Susan although Susan may have the same DNA Robert Downey Jr and this woman were surrounded by skanks The woman still is with skanks while Robert Downey Jr has several houses but he was born with a lot of cash these people are skanks they think they are above the law they have double standards double lives and they are criminals beyond criminals sinners and heathens and they have committed every crime even organized crimes planning which is their most rawness treating someone else's newborn baby and kidnapping them crimes under racketeering racketeering law in New York State which is where they came and where they were hidden out where they own police from time to time they make the laws and everything else They are so bad for the human race. So Robert Downey and many others make me sick for that reason that they are so cruel and then they have Elvis Presley sing Don't be cruel there's so much snow going on in the world and the store has been taken and hidden away just like in real life with the climate crisis. Cry crimes@gmail is my email because I think like a policewoman. Or I should have. They are there is such rotten people in the world. We are all on luck unlucky to have them. But I personally am the unluckiest. Victim and witness lived with the assholes.