Aberlemno 2 (Pictish Stone)

Aberlemno 2 (Pictish Stone)

Aberlemno, United Kingdom (GB)
Aberlemno 2 is one of five Pictish stones found in the Scottish town of Aberlemno. Aberlemno 2 is a shaped cross-slab, bearing Pictish symbols as well as Christian symbols in relief, defining it as a Class II stone. It is located in the town's graveyard.
Aberlemno 2 is one of five Pictish stones found in the Scottish town of Aberlemno. Aberlemno 2 is a shaped cross-slab, bearing Pictish symbols as well as Christian symbols in relief, defining it as a Class II stone. It is located in the town's graveyard.
View in Google Earth Historical, Events - Historical
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: Drudii



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