Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) Tram #164

Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) Tram #164

Tallinn, Estonia (EE)
TLT Tram #164 is a Tatra KT4 which is a four axle articulated tram manufactured by the Czech firm ČKD Tatra.

TLT purchased 73 new KT4s and also acquired a number of secondhand KT4s from German operators.


# 164 has a capacity of 169 passengers (36 seated) and a top speed of 65 km/h. The Tatra KT4s have a single-arm pantograph and are fitted with 4 TEO22 traction motors.

Here on Street View #164 is seen leaving a stop on its reserve track alongside the busy Tartu mnt main road in March 2023.
TLT Tram #164 is a Tatra KT4 which is a four axle articulated tram manufactured by the Czech firm ČKD Tatra.

TLT purchased 73 new KT4s and also acquired a number of secondhand KT4s from German operators.

# 164 has a capacity of 169 passengers (36 seated) and a top speed of 65 km/h. The Tatra KT4s have a single-arm pantograph and are fitted with 4 TEO22 traction motors.

Here on Street View #164 is seen leaving a stop on its reserve track alongside the busy Tartu mnt main road in March 2023.
View in Google Earth Vehicle - Trains, Trolleys and Streetcars
Links: en.wikipedia.org, en.wikipedia.org
By: Mike_bjm


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