Baltimore & Ohio Roundhouse

Baltimore & Ohio Roundhouse

East St Louis, Illinois (IL), US
This is a long-abandoned roundhouse for the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad in East St. Louis. I don't have any information available on it at this time.



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Mugen_1 picture
@ 2010-05-11 08:07:32
I mistakenly grabbed the URL for the aerial view, when indeed I linked it to the Bird's Eye pictures. I can't seem to find a way to re-link it.
mlc1us picture
@ 2010-05-11 08:24:51
All you need to do is submit the correct URL in a comment, and one of the moderators will take care of it.
Anonymous picture
@ 2015-08-03 19:39:19
There used to be a roundhouse at 88th and State Street in the 40's. I think it was for street cars.
