École nationale de cirque (Circus school)

École nationale de cirque (Circus school)

Montréal, Canada (CA)
The École nationale de cirque (English: National Circus School) is a professional circus school located in Montréal, Québec, Canada. It is a school for higher education in arts; after the great schools of music, dance and theatre, the NCS also offers academic subjects at the secondary and college levels. It is the only circus school in the Western world to offer the complete spectrum of professional education, from preparatory programs for young people ages 9 and older to professional placement for graduate artists, as well as training for circus instructors and trainers.
The École nationale de cirque (English: National Circus School) is a professional circus school located in Montréal, Québec, Canada. It is a school for higher education in arts; after the great schools of music, dance and theatre, the NCS also offers academic subjects at the secondary and college levels. It is the only circus school in the Western world to offer the complete spectrum of professional education, from preparatory programs for young people ages 9 and older to professional placement for graduate artists, as well as training for circus instructors and trainers.
View in Google Earth Schools - Other, Entertainment - Circus
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: adrbr



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