EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139)

EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139)

Moravská Trebová, Czech Republic (CZ)
On Friday 29th March 2024 at 15:19 UTC, Lucas ON3YB, a radio amateur from Belgium, made contact with Pavel OK1VEI/P, a radio amateur from the Czech Republic, who was operating from EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139), on the 20m amateur radio band. Pavel made a total of 69 contacts while at the reserve.

EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139), is a protected area of 738.4730 hectares lying to the north of Brno in the east of the Czech Republic. It was established in 2009 and includes the following categories of protection, National Nature Reservation, Natural Monument and Nature Reserve.
On Friday 29th March 2024 at 15:19 UTC, Lucas ON3YB, a radio amateur from Belgium, made contact with Pavel OK1VEI/P, a radio amateur from the Czech Republic, who was operating from EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139), on the 20m amateur radio band. Pavel made a total of 69 contacts while at the reserve.

EVL Hřebečovský hřbet (OKFF-3139), is a protected area of 738.4730 hectares lying to the north of Brno in the east of the Czech Republic. It was established in 2009 and includes the following categories of protection, National Nature Reservation, Natural Monument and Nature Reserve.
View in Google Earth Parks, Misc, Parks
Links: drusop.nature.cz, cqgma.org, wwff.co
By: Mike_bjm



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