Iški morost (S5FF-0293)

Iški morost (S5FF-0293)

Črna Vas, Slovenia (SI)
On Thursday 4th April 2024 at 09:27 UTC, Nick HB9DDZ, a radio amateur from Switzerland, made contact with Ray S54X/P, a radio amateur from Slovenia, who was operating from Iški morost (S5FF-0293), on the 40m amateur radio band. Ray made a total of 135 contacts while at the reserve.

Iški morost (S5FF-0293), is a protected area of 63 hectares, which lies to the south of Ljubljana in Slovenia. It was designated as a Nature Reserve in 2008 and is an IUCN Management Category Ia area.


An IUCN Management Category Ia area is an area with the highest level of protection and is set aside to protect the area's biodiversity and also geological or geomorphological features. These areas are important for scientific research and monitoring, so recreational use and other human activity is strictly controlled and limited.
On Thursday 4th April 2024 at 09:27 UTC, Nick HB9DDZ, a radio amateur from Switzerland, made contact with Ray S54X/P, a radio amateur from Slovenia, who was operating from Iški morost (S5FF-0293), on the 40m amateur radio band. Ray made a total of 135 contacts while at the reserve.

Iški morost (S5FF-0293), is a protected area of 63 hectares, which lies to the south of Ljubljana in Slovenia. It was designated as a Nature Reserve in 2008 and is an IUCN Management Category Ia area.

An IUCN Management Category Ia area is an area with the highest level of protection and is set aside to protect the area's biodiversity and also geological or geomorphological features. These areas are important for scientific research and monitoring, so recreational use and other human activity is strictly controlled and limited.
View in Google Earth Misc, Parks, Nature - Scenic
Links: www.protectedplanet.net, www.cqgma.org, wwff.co
By: Mike_bjm


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