Julie Zenatti

Julie Zenatti

Vitry-sur-Seine, France (FR)
Julie Zenatti, born 5 February 1981, is a French singer celebrity. She first played the role of Fleur-de-Lys and later Esmeralda on stage for the musical Notre-Dame de Paris. Zenatti was involved with Notre-Dame de Paris co-star Patrick Fiori from 2002–2006 and the pair were engaged for 2 years. She's a judge of the reality competition X Factor France.
Julie Zenatti, born 5 February 1981, is a French singer celebrity. She first played the role of Fleur-de-Lys and later Esmeralda on stage for the musical Notre-Dame de Paris. Zenatti was involved with Notre-Dame de Paris co-star Patrick Fiori from 2002–2006 and the pair were engaged for 2 years. She's a judge of the reality competition X Factor France.
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