Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag (GM/ES-008)

Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag (GM/ES-008)

Braemar, United Kingdom (GB)
On Wednesday 13th July 2022 Max MM/KI6SYD/P a radio amateur from Los Angeles, CA reached the summit of Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag and activated this summit on the amateur radio bands for the Summits on the Air (“SOTA”) group.

He made 8 contacts in total working on the 2 metre VHF and the 20 metre HF amateur radio bands.


The summit of Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag is 1156 metres (3793 feet) asl. It has a rating of 10 points on the SOTA groups database.
On Wednesday 13th July 2022 Max MM/KI6SYD/P a radio amateur from Los Angeles, CA reached the summit of Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag and activated this summit on the amateur radio bands for the Summits on the Air (“SOTA”) group.

He made 8 contacts in total working on the 2 metre VHF and the 20 metre HF amateur radio bands.

The summit of Lochnagar - Cac Carn Beag is 1156 metres (3793 feet) asl. It has a rating of 10 points on the SOTA groups database.
View in Google Earth Mountains, Misc, Nature - Scenic
Links: www.sotadata.org.uk, sotl.as, peakvisor.com
By: Mike_bjm


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