Madhav Anand's House

Madhav Anand's House

Brookline, Massachusetts (MA), US
Anand has over 12 years of experience in business strategy, business process, information technology, and data management systems consulting. Before founding Tribiosys, Mr. Anand was a founding partner at Usheron Ventures, LLC, a provider of funding and strategic guidance to technology start-ups. Prior to Usheron, Mr. Anand was the president and founder of International Integration, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICUB), which merged with Razorfish, Inc. (NASDAQ: RAZF) in November 1999. At the time of the merger, I-Cube had $70 million in revenues, with 600 consultants and 6 offices across the United States and Europe. Mr. Anand holds a MS in Computer Science from Northeastern University.

Razorfish is one of the largest digital marketing agencies with 2010 revenue around $200 million. Before the dot-com bubble it had a $6 billion market cap.
Anand has over 12 years of experience in business strategy, business process, information technology, and data management systems consulting. Before founding Tribiosys, Mr. Anand was a founding partner at Usheron Ventures, LLC, a provider of funding and strategic guidance to technology start-ups. Prior to Usheron, Mr. Anand was the president and founder of International Integration, Inc. (NASDAQ: ICUB), which merged with Razorfish, Inc. (NASDAQ: RAZF) in November 1999. At the time of the merger, I-Cube had $70 million in revenues, with 600 consultants and 6 offices across the United States and Europe. Mr. Anand holds a MS in Computer Science from Northeastern University.

Razorfish is one of the largest digital marketing agencies with 2010 revenue around $200 million. Before the dot-com bubble it had a $6 billion market cap.
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By: borlefborlef



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