Osceola birthplace historical monument

Osceola birthplace historical monument

Tallassee, Alabama (AL), US
Osceola (1804 – January 30, 1838) was an influential leader and warrior of the Seminole people. Although born of the Muscogee Creek people, Osceola led a group of Seminole warriors in resistance of the United States' Government's attempts to remove them from their lands. Osceola was captured under a flag of truce and died in captivity.
Osceola (1804 – January 30, 1838) was an influential leader and warrior of the Seminole people. Although born of the Muscogee Creek people, Osceola led a group of Seminole warriors in resistance of the United States' Government's attempts to remove them from their lands. Osceola was captured under a flag of truce and died in captivity.
View in Google Earth Monuments, Art - Misc
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: tallturtle82



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