Platte Falls Conservation Area (KFF-6391)

Platte Falls Conservation Area (KFF-6391)

Platte City, Missouri (MO), US
On Friday 5th April 2024 at 15:41 UTC, Lothar DL3HXX, a radio amateur from Germany made contact with Steve WI5D, a radio amateur from Parkville, MO who was operating from the Platte Falls Conservation Area (KFF-6391), on the 20m amateur radio band. Steve made a total of 61 contacts while at the park.

The Conservation Department in the state of Missouri acquired the Platte Falls Wildlife Management Area in 1980. The area is located to the east of Fort Leavenworth and covers an area of 981 hectares in the Platte River valley.
On Friday 5th April 2024 at 15:41 UTC, Lothar DL3HXX, a radio amateur from Germany made contact with Steve WI5D, a radio amateur from Parkville, MO who was operating from the Platte Falls Conservation Area (KFF-6391), on the 20m amateur radio band. Steve made a total of 61 contacts while at the park.

The Conservation Department in the state of Missouri acquired the Platte Falls Wildlife Management Area in 1980. The area is located to the east of Fort Leavenworth and covers an area of 981 hectares in the Platte River valley.
View in Google Earth Parks, Misc, Parks
By: Mike_bjm



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