Safe Harbor Dam

Safe Harbor Dam

Conestoga, Pennsylvania (PA), US
The Safe Harbor Dam (also Safe Harbor Hydroelectric Station) is a concrete gravity dam, with an associated hydroelectric power station, on the lower Susquehanna River. It is the most northerly and last of three Great Depression-era public electrification projects' hydroelectric dams, and was constructed between April 1, 1930, and December 7, 1931. It created a long and relatively shallow lake, known as Lake Clarke, along the upper stretch of the Conejohela Valley. The creation of the lake shrank the upper Conejohela Flats in size.

Two of the turbine units are dedicated to generating for Amtrak's 25 Hz traction power system, and the facility also has a frequency converter available for conversion of power between 25 Hz and the 60 Hz used by the electric grid.
The Safe Harbor Dam (also Safe Harbor Hydroelectric Station) is a concrete gravity dam, with an associated hydroelectric power station, on the lower Susquehanna River. It is the most northerly and last of three Great Depression-era public electrification projects' hydroelectric dams, and was constructed between April 1, 1930, and December 7, 1931. It created a long and relatively shallow lake, known as Lake Clarke, along the upper stretch of the Conejohela Valley. The creation of the lake shrank the upper Conejohela Flats in size.

Two of the turbine units are dedicated to generating for Amtrak's 25 Hz traction power system, and the facility also has a frequency converter available for conversion of power between 25 Hz and the 60 Hz used by the electric grid.
View in Google Earth Dams, Power - Hydro
By: Matheus_



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