Swarovski - Central Hub Logistics

Swarovski - Central Hub Logistics

Triesen, Liechtenstein (LI)
Swarovski is the leading producer of cut crystal which employs approximately 25.000 people and is represented in more than 120 countries around the world. Swarovski operates production facilities in 16 countries and owns more than 650 boutiques worldwide. Swarovski operates its central logistics hub for consumer goods in Triesen, Liechtenstein.
Swarovski is the leading producer of cut crystal which employs approximately 25.000 people and is represented in more than 120 countries around the world. Swarovski operates production facilities in 16 countries and owns more than 650 boutiques worldwide. Swarovski operates its central logistics hub for consumer goods in Triesen, Liechtenstein.
View in Google Earth Companies - Plants/Factories
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: tomcat



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