'The Donation of Constantine' by Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano

'The Donation of Constantine' by Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano

Vatican City, Holy See (Vatican City State) (VA)
The Donation of Constantine or Donation of Rome is a painting by assistants of the Italian renaissance artist Raphael. It was most likely painted by Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano, somewhere between 1520 and 1524.
The Donation of Constantine or Donation of Rome is a painting by assistants of the Italian renaissance artist Raphael. It was most likely painted by Gianfrancesco Penni or Giulio Romano, somewhere between 1520 and 1524.
View in Google Earth Art - Paintings
Links: en.wikipedia.org
By: kjfitz



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