University of Bolton

University of Bolton

Bolton, United Kingdom (GB)
The University of Bolton can trace its origins back to the founding of Bolton Mechanics’ Institute in 1824. It achieved university status in 2004.

The university is a member of Universities UK, Million Plus and the North West Universities Association.


The main campus of the university is situated between Deane Road and Derby Street not far from the town centre.

The university has a range of Schools, Centres and Faculties including the Faculty of Engineering and Creative Tech, Bolton School of the Arts, School of Law, School of Biomedical Sciences, Centre for Islamic Science, National Centre for Motorsport Engineering, Centre for Worktown Studies and the Institute for Materials Research and Innovation (IMRI)
The University of Bolton can trace its origins back to the founding of Bolton Mechanics’ Institute in 1824. It achieved university status in 2004.

The university is a member of Universities UK, Million Plus and the North West Universities Association.

The main campus of the university is situated between Deane Road and Derby Street not far from the town centre.

The university has a range of Schools, Centres and Faculties including the Faculty of Engineering and Creative Tech, Bolton School of the Arts, School of Law, School of Biomedical Sciences, Centre for Islamic Science, National Centre for Motorsport Engineering, Centre for Worktown Studies and the Institute for Materials Research and Innovation (IMRI)
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By: Mike_bjm


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