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1 - 100 of 5,297
Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Tautou
"Snatch" Filming Location Doug ‘The Head’ Diamond Shop
St Etheldreda's Church
Ye Olde Mitre
Gresham College
Red double decker bus
'E Oppenheimer and Son Headquarters' by Eldridge London
Staple Inn
'St Andrew Holborn' by Christopher Wren
The Castle
'Sixty London' by KPF
Cittie of Yorke Pub
Farringdon and High Holborn Station
Google Car
St. Dunstan-in-the-West Burial Ground
The Castle
John Wilkes statue
Google maps backpack reflection
What do we have here?
Woman using a cellphone
Lincoln's Inn Chapel
Karaoke Box
Man using a cellphone
'Resolution' by Antony Gormley
Man using a cellphone
Man using a cellphone
Woman using a cellphone in the bus
'Street-Porter House' by Piers Gough
The Jersalem Tavern
Woman using a cellphone
Honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn
Invader graffiti
Marx Memorial Library
Robbie McEwen
Farmiloe Building
High Commission of Malawi, London
Consulate General of Italy, London
Narrow Road Ahead
Filming Stan Lee's Lucky Man; season 3.
Man using a cellphone
Man on a cellphone
Woman on a cellphone
Man on a cellphone
Man using a cellphone
Man using a cellphone
Painting of Al Pacino
C. Hoare & Co (oldest bank in Britain)
Map of West Smithfield
The Golden Boy of Pye Corner
Embassy of Kosovo, London
Man using a cellphone
New MI6 Entrance ("Skyfall")
First Public Drinking Fountain in London
'St Bride's Church' by Christopher Wren
William Wallace's execution site memorial
Two REVAi / G-Wiz electric cars
Flag of Sierra Leone
Woman on a cellphone
Woman on a cellphone
Old Bank of England Pub (Interior)
The British Postal Museum & Archive
'Fog House' by David Adjaye
The Old Bailey (Central Criminal Court)
Barista Making Drink
'Maggie's Centre Barts' by Steven Holl
Royal Courts of Justice
Man on a cellphone
Two men on cellphones
Statue of King Edward VII
Austin-Healey 100-6
Priory Church of St Bartholomew-the-Great
'LSE Centre Building' by Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners under construction
Checking the Engine
Temple Church
British Library of Political and Economic Science
Man using a cellphone in the bus
John Harrison's house (Former site)
Largest Black Death Burial Pit
Man on a cellphone
Hercule Poirot's Appratment
Woman on a cellphone
St Martins-within-Ludgate
Sir Roger Moore
Anish Kapoor's House
Remains of "ATM attacking a girl" by Banksy
'St Clement Danes' by Christopher Wren
Man using a cellphone
Man using a cellphone
Invader graffiti
Christ Church Greyfriars
Man using a cellphone
UK Currency
Charles Dickens Museum
The Old Curiosity Shop
Hercule Poirot's Apartment
Woman using a cellphone
Burger King ad